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2020-08-05 Bee Sting Ride

I waited in Santa Margarita... and waited. "What a bunch of losers" I thought. Looked at email, CRAP, meet in Pismo? Who's the loser now?

Rode like a madman to meetup point, Pismo.

No bikes.

"Can't be far behind, I'll catch them"... RingRing, Barrie on phone. "The herd is headed to Nojouqi park via Tepesequet. You can catch them via Alisio Road". 

So I slabbed 101 all the way to 154 then waited at Foxen Canyon.

RingRing, it's Barrie Cianciulli. "It's all FUBAR. Tepesquet is closed, so the herds heading to Pine Mountain."

Me, "Well, phuck it. I'm done chasing. I'll just have a solo ride and enjoy my first Wed ride in over 3 months."

Two minutes later, bee sting, left eyebrow. The next 3 hours pretty much sucked. Massive swelling, but still had sight. Decided to stay on populated routes in case the swelling got bad.

Two Ibuprofen, two Zertecs, 2 hours later was pissed off I didn't take the long way home as I felt fine. No Epi pen today!

Great plate.

Don't look like corn......

Sign, signs, everywhere a sign....

Moments before bee sting.

 Closing in on 250,000 miles.

Biddle park for lunch.

Lopez lake south side.

Gonna get a dual sport and ride Hi Mountain Rd to Pozo.

Told you it was Lopez Lake!

More rain needed.

But doing well for August.

These rocks must have been underwater earlier in time.

One fisherman.

Down off the hill.

SLO airport.

RuhRoh Rollie!

Hours after the sting.



2020-08-05 'Bee Sting Ride' from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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