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2020-08-15 R60/2 Porn - Uncle Dutch Coast Ride


Took the 1969 R60/2, Uncle Dutch, for a coast ride yesterday. Way hot inland, the cool coast was much appreciated. Even .5 miles inland from the coast, temps rose 30+ degrees F. The /2 ran great. Herb Varin at C&H Motosport in Atascadero did a great job on shimming the front wheel tapered bearings. New front brake shoes are bedding in nice too. Apparently my adjustment technique was good. Unfortunately, the new oil seals I installed in the transmission aren't sealing so good. I think there maybe another issue as the leak rate with new seals is approximately the same as with the old seals. Same video, different songs.

2020-08-15 UncleDutchCoastRide-ThunderRoad from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

2020-08-15 UncleDutchCoastRide-My Little Town from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

2020-08-15 UncleDutchCoastRide-GentleOnMind from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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