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2020-08-19 Fire Ride

2020-08-23 Ragged Point Fire Ride from dcarver220b on Vimeo.


2020-08-19 Fire Ride

Must be August. Fires are ravaging the state.  A huge high pressure area keeps the smoke inverted. Fires in Santa Cruz mountains, Big Sur forest, everywhere. Last I heard, 300+ fires raging. So far we're safe.

Salinas riparian, westbound on 41.

Headed to Morro Bay.

Hard to breathe.

Morro Rock. A nice 74F.

Does horsepower decrease with smoke ingested O2? Inquiring minds want to know!

Turri Canyon.

Headed into San Luis Obispo, Foothill.

Avila Beach was the nice spot today. Cool, not much fire smoke.

In 1/2 mile, temps rose from 72 to 102F. Crazy. I blame Brett Cross!

Needed to get back early for dishwasher install. So here I type, 5:45pm, no dishwasher.

Close to home.

KrZy8 running great! Need to look at maintenance work. Then again, I'll be working soon.. so maybe not until next year.

Stay Safe, Covid, Fires, Stupid Cage Drivers...


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