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2020-11-19 CarPort

2020-11-19 Car Port

I’ve spent the last two weeks proving I’m NOT a construction worker.
Seemed simple enough, I need more motobike storage. 
Options - 
40k shop? No, too much. 
Metal storage with concrete? Possible, attractive. Went to and actually designed via the web the building I wanted. But then CarPort never got back to me…
So screw it. Cheap city here I come. Drove around town and found every good wood pallet I could.
Fired the 50 hp tractor up and leveled the ground. Brought in DG and packed it.
’Stacked’ the pallets for desired size, leveled and perfect. Even used a line level.
Oh crapola. 
This will never work. Pallets to close to concrete, not tie-down anchor area left… 
Move pallets. Which of course destroys the smooth and level as a granite surface plate block.
Too lazy to move all pallets out the way bring the tractor over. 
So do it by hand.  M I S T A K E.
Stubborn, too stubborn at times and perhaps too frugal, errr cheap too… 
So last night it finished up.
12 x 20 pallets with 3/4” exterior plywood painted both sides and edges too, screwed to pallets.
Amazon ’tent’ structure in place (too many install mistakes to count)…

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