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2020-12-06 Fork Seal Replacement


2020-12-06 Fork Seal Replacement

The mighty KZ came home with a leaky left fork seal. Here's my replacement process.

First off, pics of horn wiring. Some say the horns look ugly but they are LOUD.



All strapped down. Let the games begin.

6-1 DG Exhaust sounds sweet. Notice the second alternator on this KZ?

Custom built radiator is a work of art.

Coming apart. These are simple compared to electronically controlled forks of today.

Don't forget the keeper clip!

I use a bit of Saran wrap when sliding new seal over fork tube shoulder. Helps to prevent snags and damage.

With a bit of lube too.

Fork seal installer from a 1988 Honda XR almost works perfect!

Just a tad to large on the OD.. so the last 2 mm used a section of pvc pipe. Just be careful, be even, all good.

Used an oil bolt washer for the dampening rod bolt. Hopefully no more leakage..

Fork oil capacity. Use a MeasureRight cup to get 391 cc!

All cleaned and ready for install.

Another tip... tape the fork cap to the socket. It keeps it aligned better when attempting to compress the spring and *cleanly* catch that first thread..

Oily pads to left, used pads from back in the day, and new pads found in inventory too!

The only thing I'm not happy with is the RHS fork leg dampening rod bolt never fully tightened. It's not going anywhere, and I'll watch it..

The end.


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