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2021-01-02 Kz1300 - Overheating Fixed Test Ride, first of 2021



Yesterday rode the mighty KZ1300 150 Miles around the north county.


The 41 year old bike ran great! Did not overheat. Yes it was cool outside, about 60°F but in similar weather previously the bike did overheat so I am cautiously optimistic that all is now good.


The hottest it got was the upper end of the normal temperature operating zone even when pulling hard on uphills.

Decided to ride it like I stole it. Many trips to redline then decel to keep them rings free.


Happy to say she runs clean and pulls hard from 2000 RPM all the way to red line.


Later today I’ll put it on the lift and see how everything looks.


I even got lit up by a CHP just east of Morro Bay. He was headed the opposite direction I’m stuck in a line of cars. He saw me, hit the lights, then wagged his finger at me.


At first I was a little miffed as I was only 10 over the speed limit. About a mile later, I realized he was actually doing me a favor as there was another CHP waiting for speeders going in my direction, eastbound. So the first CHP was actually a good guy.




2021-01-02 KzTestRide-OverheatSuccess from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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