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2021-01-06 KZ1300 N-S County Ride - No Tow Truck Needed!


WOW. Fun ride today. 172 miles and no real issues!~

Off the cuff -

  1. When ambient temps are low, say 60F, she runs at 7/8th of normal operating temp zone (NOTZ). When it got warmer, say high 60's, the indicated temp actually dropped.. Perhaps the T-Stat is slightly bypassing at lower temps then fully opening for lower readings?
  2. As more miles are run, she seems to run better.
  3. Never went over NOTZ on temp gauge.
  4. Manually turning fans on when in slow mph is a good thing.
  5. Forgetting to turn turn manual fan switch off when stopped is a bad thing
    1. Delay relay needed.
  6. Not 'Caining' the bike and mpg increased.
  7. No signs of blue oil smoke from exhaust when the few times went to red line.. thinking oil consumption rates and the last 'thrash' ride.
  8. Fuel delivery.. Next issue. After 4 gallons of 5 gallon tank... no more fuel. And so it goes..

A little video from today's ride..

2021-01-06 KZ1300 N-S County Ride from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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