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2021-01-16 ECU Swap - Ivan's


2021-01-16 KrZy8 ECU Swap - Ivan's Performance Products

Decided to spend the holiday special offer of 300 USD for a reflashed ECU from Ivan.

The reflashed unit on a 2013 was awesome, and I've heard from many the 2006 flash makes even greater improvement.

Ivan even reflashed a newer OEM unit and sent it my way, reflashed. Apparently, Yamaha made some minor changes along the years.

Here it is...


  1. ECU removed from the top, not the side.
  2. The top tank bolted bracket - must be removed.
  3. The ECU is screwed in from the down under side into the bottom of more plastic
  4. It's kind of a PITA to remove the screws, especially if you have wiring like a BlueSeas junction box getting in the way. I ended up moving the box up, then gently moving the ABS connector to the side, then used a stubby Phillips to remove the 'wood' like screws. It can be done!



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