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2020-02-06 AOC's Big Lie


After dozens of troublemakers decided to sully the “America First” brand by smashing their way into the Capitol complex before President Trump had enough finished speaking on January 6th, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “I’m okay.”

But in the weeks following, the 31-year-old from Westchester decided she was, in fact, not okay on January 6th.

In recent days the rhetoric from Ocasio-Cortez has ramped up, culminating in a wild accusation that Senator Ted Cruz “almost had [her] murdered 3 weeks ago.”

That, of course, was another falsehood. And the internet decided enough was enough.

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Fisking the Ocasio-Cortez narrative, reporters such as Nick Arama at RedState and Jack Posobiec at One America News went over the patchy details released by “AOC” over a number of tweets, interviews, and Instagram live sessions.

‘What Happened at the Capitol.’

In a stream watched by hundreds of thousands of people, the Congresswoman from New York linked a historical experience with sexual assault to what happened at the Capitol on January 6th.

While no one doubted her sexual assault story, nor would wish that experience on anyone, the link to January 6th made many scratch their heads.

She described – in drastic contrast to how others in her own office building reacted – a scene in which she hid in her office toilet, peering through a door as a man in a black beanie looked for her calling out, “Where is she?”

“I just thought to myself, ‘They got inside,'” she said, adding: “I thought I was going to die… This is the moment where I thought, ‘Everything is over.”

The melodrama continued: “I have never been quieter in my entire life. When he came in, it didn’t feel right because he was looking at me with a tremendous amount of anger and hostility — and things weren’t adding up. There was no partner there and no one was yelling, he wasn’t yelling like, ‘this is Capitol police, this is Capitol police.’”

But AOC’s report is challenged by a wealth of evidence against her.

“Where Is She?”

In answer to the question, “Where is she?” the answer was: in her office, several streets away from the rioters.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was not actually in the Capitol Building at the time rioters breached the walls. She was actually in the Cannon Office Building – one of the interconnected office buildings which forms part of the wider Capitol complex. At no time did rioters or protesters find their way into the Cannon Office Building.

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The distinction may seem like a small one on paper, but in the real world, getting from under the Rotunda to AOC’s office in the Cannon Office Building is no small feat in the middle of what most would agree was a pretty wild situation.

It’s not even easy on a normal day, with plenty of staffers and Congressmen getting lost in the Capitol’s underground tunnel complex that keeps members and their staff away from tourists and the rest of us ordinary rubes above ground.

The Timeline.

Following her experience in her own office toilet, occurring around 12:40pm when the outer perimeter was first breached, Ocasio-Cortez was then escorted out by the same Capitol police she confesses to have suspected of being hostile to her. She and a staffer then ran down the halls and found herself outside Rep. Katie Porter’s office.

At the time, President Trump was still speaking at the Ellipse outside the White House, and it would be another 75 minutes before most Trump rally attendees would begin arriving at the Capitol. More on that timeline here.

Porter then apparently enjoyed a coffee while AOC tore around her office looking for a place to hide.


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Twitter user Carlos Hernandez reported of the Congresswoman’s Instagram comments: “AOC says they run back and Katie is having a cup of coffee. AOC says she rips through the office like a mad woman, opening every closet and nook, looking for a place to hide when they get to the office. She asks if there is any clothes she can change into… They work together and Rep. Porter pulls a bag of workout clothes from her staffers with sneakers. AOC says she was in high heels the whole time. They find snacks.”

All this was apparently occurring while most Cannon Office Building staffers calmly filed out, as caught on film, and while no rioters had made their way to the building. At all.

Ocasio-Cortez recalled “she had conversations with Katie about whether some offices would be safer than others because of white-sounding names or male-sounding names.”

It’s a lot to have taken place over the course of around one hour.

President Trump finished speaking at 1:11pm, and the Capitol building was breached at 1:50pm, before most Trump-rally attendees arrived.

Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett. 

The Congresswoman from New York has now faced two straight days of social media ridicule, as users trended the hashtags #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett and #AOCLied. The mockery culminated on the Congresswoman’s office attempting to brigade users on social media by having them mass reported for challenging her narratives.

She sent an email to her supporter base on Wednesday night, stating: “As we speak, right-wing operatives with millions of followers on social media are spreading flat out lies and misleading information about Alexandria… help us scan social media tonight and report those spreading this disinformation campaign.”

Twitter’s own rules state that artificial amplification or suppression of information is against their spam policy, meaning AOC should be suspended or even removed from the platform, though given her left-wing credentials it is hard to see that happening.

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Description automatically generated with medium confidence“THE SQUAD”

But what has happened is that the Congresswoman has lost a lot of support and credibility. She even got ratio’d for the first time, which may seem like an unimportant side note, but for a Congresswoman who has commanded a massive social media-based audience, it’s clearly driving her to distraction.

On Thursday evening, “The Squad” of socialist Congresswomen will present their own recollections of their memories from January 6th on the floor of the House. Instead of prioritizing legislation – including to get the American public their $2,000 assistance checks from the U.S. government – they will spend this evening comforting each other in public about how they had to lock themselves in their offices and have a cup of coffee while a handful of rioters breached a building down the street from them.

Predictably, AOC is now attempting to double down on her lies – even going so far as to baselessly accuse Trump supporters of planting bombs in Washington, D.C.

But her long-term credibility? Destroyed.


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