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2020-02-08 CBX Ride


2020-02-08 CBX Ride


2021-02-08 CBX Ride from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

Weather on central Kali coast predicted to be gorgeous. 
Let's exercise the 81 Honda CBX

Less than 12k OEM miles. Carbs done by Old School Carbs, Jack Wagner.

Last time out, high idle, 2k rpm, which can be dragged down to 1k with a little clutch load. 
FB forum CBX Owners, and phone call to Jack, indicate a carb sync might be needed.

It only hangs high when fully warmed up. On a cooler day like today, it only high idled 5 or so times.

Northern San Luis Obispo County

The CBX runs strong from 2.5k to 9.5k redline. Really strong from 5.5k up.

Vineyards everywhere.

Abandoned road and bridge.

Photo-Op. The old gurl looks GREAT!

I have a Corbin seat, but it's a rock. The Corbin will be replaced with a Russell Daylong.

A trip to local Cycle Gear was disappointing. They hardly have any inventory.

Avila Beach, CA

Overlooking the harbor.

Avila pier.

The CBX garners attention wherever she goes.

In the background is the new camping 'resort', under construction. Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant to the left, 8.5 miles back in.

Sitting on the dock of the bay....

Looking at CBX Honda's today...

The designers got this bike right.

Coming at yah!

Gorgeous lines!

Gotta find a plug for the hole in the dash..

32.3 mpg

My home town, Creston, CA

The end.

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