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2022-07-20 StarterMotor-Runs



Long sad story, break out the crying towels. Barrie's 250k+ BMW was wore out, puking oil.

Took it to a local independent shop who performed leak down test and declared engine gone.

A 'known' good short block was found, transplanted using OEM cylinders. Not sure if new pistons/rings, etc...

Bike was in shop for over 12 months.

Then the tech quit, leaving the owner to finish it off. The tech had completed most of the 'hard' work.

Barrie goes to pick up bike, it starts hard, sounds bad, smokes like Cheech and Chong.

Barrie leaves the bike, has AAA trailer it to me.

Here's the initial eval..

Rubber boot has no clamp, 90 wt direct to muffler plenum. Smoke.

No offense to my bud Barrie, but this is a rat bike. Zip tyes, bungee cords, mismatched connectors.

Bolt on rear fender is 12vdc 'distribution point.

Battery is HUGE, first things first, trickle charge.

Holes for light weight and hi speeds! :)

Battery took charge and held it. Barrie says it's about 14 months old.

The cockpit.

Wires disconnected under seat. The red is a splice to the yellow. Not sure yet if this is ACV from stator? First look, appears to source from under front nose cover.

Some kind of aftermarket ignition system. Ty-Wraps holding coil in place?

Another wiring shot.






  1. Owners Manual
  2. Service Manual (local, 'Manuals' folder)
  3. Service Manual Link

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