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2022-07-25 Toy Hauler Fuel Xnfr Station Fix


Repairing Fuel Transfer Control Box after tire blowout.

Control Box

Mounts here

Called, still in biz! Bree helped me. Kinda. Not really.
"You need to buy a new control box, sender, gaskets.." Almost $200.

Hosed connectors

4 pin connector

Supply wires to fuel pump. Black is 12Vdc, White ground.

Two wire connector for fuel level sensor and gauge.

5 minute delay relay by Airotronics. Spoke to Peter, email too.
Pete McKnight
National Sales Manager, Pelco EMS      
office:   315.655.8476
mobile: 218 770 1852


See below for wiring diagram


Everything works except fuel gauge...


2020-08-05 Toy Hauler Fuel Circuit Schematic and Pics

Finally. A good wiring diagram.



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