2023-01-25 KZ1300 Lake Cachuma Ride
First ride with 'Da Boyz' in 2023. Barrie announced an 'Airhead' Ride so I brought the 1979 KZ1300 WATER COOLED bike to ride, hah hah...
It's been hammering with nasty sound at idle... cam chain tensioner maybe? It's a manually adjusted APE unit.

No idea where we are, but it was great to see Jason Len, and the So County Gang!

See that? Gas cap finally no longer leaks onto top tank!

Headed to Los Olivos. Or somewhere.

Rode up to summit of 154 to look at Lake Cachuma.

We rode, we conqured. Headed back north bound.

At the dam overlook.

We endured a *horrible* 500' walk UPHILL to view the lake.
Which had no view at all...

So the two hamsters went into vaudville audtions!

HOORAY for Captain Spaulding, the African Explorer!

These two gay young Mexican guys were there. Don asks "You got your green cards? LOL. The kid replied 'immagration visa' which I appluaded him!

The best view.

Headed west on 154 to 101. Dave's HD stuck in 4th gear.. So to HD dealer?

Cachuma is full!

Pics outta order again. Sigh. Dave's 1989 'Black Beauty' has a stripped shift shaft, interior side.
We tried to tighten Allen screw, but to me it seemed tight.. so splines just gave up after all the years?
Put the bike in 4th and sent Dave on his way to Dealer/Home..
Didn't see him on roadside or out front of HD Santa Maria.. so guess he made it.

The KZ1300 is a fuel hog. And cyls 1,2,3 show signs of oil burn. 4,5,6 are running lean. I have a new rebuild set of carbs to install then synch.

We running pretty easy today, 60 - 65, as group leader was on an older BMW R100 RT. So gas mileage was better.

Not bad by my KZ standards.

I think a top end rebuild is needed.. to fix oil consumption on 4,5,6 cylinders.
A friend recommended Gary Witmier of Cycle Tune in Clovis. 
2023-01-25 Video of me riding KZ1300
My bud David Schwab took some video of me!
2023-01-25 MyMaps