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2023-02-03 KZ1300 Valve Check, Cam Chain Adj, Starter Motor Clutch


My 79 A1 has developed 'clunky' sound at idle.  

Anything above idle and all is smooth. By idle, I mean around 1k rpm or less. 
Bike has APE manual cam chain tensioner, which I'll look at, but this sounds deeper in frequency than what I imagine cam chain 'slap' to be...

Noticed last shutdown that the noise was noticeably worse when crankshaft slowing down with no ignition... 
and the noise seems to be coming from the LHS alternator/starter cover. This A1 has the rare 79 LHS alternator conversion, OEM.

I've been reluctant to adjust the APE, probably a petty unfounded fear of jumping a tooth or something when loosening to hear 'slack' prior to tightening back up. And as stated earlier, clunk clunk not slap slap..

Need to check valve clearance anyway, so will look at cam chain tension when cover is off.. .to get a baseline.
...and, will pull LHS alt/starter clutch cover to have a peek there too.

T-2 hours to spinning wrenches...
Wish me luck, I need it.

I may have a water leak at front side lhs cylinder. 

First up, a cold compression test. Yes, I know warm will change numbers and I'll do that later. First things first.


Spark plugs grounded, just in case...

10 amp battery charger keeps automotive battery fresh for compression test.

Front fairing off.

Bottom coil must be removed for valve cover clearance. There's a 5/16 threaded nut up there.. Wish I had
simply tapped the home built bracket I made in 1980...

Phillips headed screw for lower coil is here.

Coil ground wire, RHS.

Ground wire routing.

Primary side. Disconnected at connector near coil.


Valve cover removed. Lobes look good.

Cam chain rear side.

Valve cover underbelly.

Topside. Had forgotten I'm still running the reed valves.. but no hoses to pulsate reeds, so really the reeds just provide a 'seal' for reed cover.

Here's a shot of the reed valve cover and bolt template.

Tomorrow or next day will perform valve check.


CylPsiDelta Avg


When all else fails, RTFM!



eRemove the fuel tank (Pg.46).
eDisconnect the battery ground (-) lead.
eRemove the Allen bolt, stop, and holder, and pull the tachometer pinion holder and pinion with the tachom- eter cable off the cylinder head cover.



2023-02-04 Continuing with Valve Check

Plugs are looking better. I see signs of running rich, but less oil traces than before. This after a 200 mile ride.

Off to checking valve clearances. 'T' mark at case mark, exhaust cam dot at valve head plane.


Cam lobes look shiny and good.

Finally found a good use for old workplace name badge!

Removing old gasket material...

Cleaning up the rubber plug was a true PITA.

I don't trust this one to seal. I have spare new ones.. But right now the wires are soldered. I plan to put a high quality waterproof connector with soldered wire/terminals... later.

Checked the crank for endplay <possible clunking sound?), it is tight.

Found a slight leak at temp sensor.. could this be the 'leak' at LHS cylinder 1 base gasket? Hmmm.

Raw valve data.

What FSM looks like after 44 years of use!

More later...  



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