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2023-08-24 Scorpion EVO AT960 Helmet AFU



2023-08-24 Scorpion EVO AT960 Helmet AFU

Campaigned a Scorpion EVO AT950 for last 3 years or so. Liked it. A bit heavy and noisy, but good price point. Now the shield(s), peak, rubbers and liners need replacement.

Just buy a new one.

950 discontinued, 960 now available. 

Hmm. Me likey Orange and White. $300. Hard to find, XL, but MotoMummy has one.

Get it. What a POS this helmet is. Not sure if they are ALL like this one.. but this one sucks.

  • The white paint is very easily scuffed and discolored. Taking it out of box, turning upside down on clean towel, and boom. 
  • The sun visor is is loosey-goosey. As in will retract by shaking or turning helmet upside down. It would rattle like crazy inside the helmet, clear shield up or down.
  • The latch mechanism is now stamped sheet metal. Very thin. Not confident it would keep chain guard closed upon impact.
  • It has a chin ‘curtain’ that I simply don’t like. 

The 960 is a big step down in quality from the 950.

So, sent it back.

Not sure what’s next. Oh yeah I do, ordered parts to fix the old 950.

Packing pics JIC it arrives damaged back at MotoMummy.

As arrived to my door step.

Packed nice and tight.

Should arrive at MotoMummy 8/29/2023.




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