Sent some eBay bought carbs to WiredGeorge Carbs who did beautiful work.
Just now, months later, getting around to installing them.
..and now, problems with linkage adjustments
- choke fast idle cam doesn't engage tab to open butterflies
- idle adjustment rod doesn't engage tab to open butterflies.
Sent email to George...
Hi George,
Finally got around to installing the carbs you rebuilt, and noticed this..
The choke hi-idle cam is not engaging.
Is this an adjustment I can do or should the carbs go back to you?
Or, am I missing something obvious?
Please, Please know I’m not throwing stones..
Just thinking what I’m seeing isn’t correct, somehow?
Thank You,
Found an old post - wonder what it was like before I sent carbs to George?
2022-11-17 New Used Carbs to me
Facebook group, found these for $350
So took the plunge and bought them.

Sending them to Wired George Carbs for refurbishment.
2024-02-14 Wired George Replies
Think the issue is that the sync adjust screws are
not set where they should be. There should be about
5mm of the square part showing above the lock washer
and nut. Back the idle screw where it isn't contacting
and loosen the screws and turn the square parts of the
adjusters to where 5mm shows ABOVE the tightened nut/
washer. All the butterflies should be closed.
Tighten the idle screw to where there is a small gap
in each butterfly and then adjust the screw that contacts
the cam. That should do it I think. The adjustments
are a bit touchy to get everything playing with the
other bits but it isn't difficult to do. The attached
picture shows the butterfly opening... wg
George Lesho / Proprietor
wiredgeorge Motorcycle Carburetors
Mico TX 210-413-1916 Mon-Fri 9-6 CST
2024-02-15 Carb Bench Sync Issues Cont
George replied..
I am assuming you are asking about synchronizing the
carburetors. Bench sync steps:
1. back off idle adjust screw so it isn't contacting
arm on bellcrank
2. loosen locknut on sync screw
3. turn each little hex head till the BUTTERFLY valves
are all closed then open till the very slightest crack
is visible and is the same on each of the slides. This
allows you to set each butterfly the same.
4. Hold the hex adjust and tighten the nuts. Do not
over tighten.
Now you idle adjust screw can be used to open the slides
about 3/16" inch. Get the bike running and you will need
to adjust the idle. You may need to use the choke to get
the bike started. DO NOT touch the throttle when using
the choke. Once the bike warms, take it off choke and
adjust the idle speed. wg
George Lesho / Proprietor
wiredgeorge Motorcycle Carburetors
Sounds like a plan.
Performed these steps...
1. back off idle adjust screw so it isn't contacting

arm on bellcrank
2. loosen locknut on sync screw
3. turn each little hex head till the BUTTERFLY valves
are all closed then open till the very slightest crack
is visible and is the same on each of the slides. This
allows you to set each butterfly the same.
4. Hold the hex adjust and tighten the nuts. Do not
over tighten.
Used a strip of paper to gauge each butterfly clearance. Made the space 'equal' between all 6 butterflies. Although some slight variation exists between each
set of two.. .not much though.. just a very slight difference in drag as the paper is pulled free.
Opened the diaphrams, placed LED flashlights on backside. Here's the light pattern. RHS bank.
Center bank.

LHS bank.

Light source. They fit perfectly!

Now you idle adjust screw can be used to open the slidesabout 3/16" inch.
Here is where the problem(s) begin.
Spring is fully compressed.

Light pattern, e.g. butterfly opening, is identical to previous pictures... meaning the idle adjust is out of range, NOT opening the butterflies. This is RHS.
Center bank.

LH bank.

Synchronization adjustments are nearly identical, a good sign.

Back to to the idle adjust. I had to shim the bellcrank by 2.1mm to ensure "Now you idle adjust screw can be used to open the slides
about 3/16" inch."

Resultlant light pattern and butterfly opening after shimming by 2.1 mm. Not sure why this bank shows light at butterfly top.. Probably flashlight orientation?
2024-02-18 Carb Sync Woes continued - one method defined
OOPS. See below.
2024-02-18 Carb Sync Woes continued - one method defined
Been playing with various configurations that ensure the idle, choke high idle work in concert and touch their appropriate cams.
This method produced the best results.. Both the choke high idle and idle adjust are in-range. The choke enrichner circuit opens the valves to what appears to be full open. The only thing I don't like is that the high idle notch in the cam doesn't fully engage. Outside of making a new cam profile, I don't know what to do.