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2024-06-16 KrZy8 Relay Arm


2024-06-16 KrZy8 Relay Arm

KrZy8 now well over 250k miles. Time to service relay link.

Just happen to have a bunch of new parts.

Searched the CBA site, can't find that I've done it before but I know I have.

I did do Naomi though.

Nuts on RHS


  1. Lower shock bolt
  2. Upper relay bolt
  3. Lower relay bolt
  4. Link to Frame bolt - oh snap. That's right, it won't come out unless the centerstand is removed. To remove CS, the CS pivot bolts must be sawed off
    otherwise they hit the collector and won't come out. After cutting, replace with new, installed backwards. I couldn't recall so called Brodie who confirmed
    these have already been reversed. But I didn't chock the front so can't lift the rear. Exactly the SAME mistake I made last time when I did Naomi. See
    link above!

This is the bolt that won't come out unless CS is removed.

The Relay to Frame link felt smooth, no glitches. So pulled the bolt out as far as it would go, then crammed grease in there manually. Like packing
a wheel bearing.

Next tire change I'll get after it 'proper'. I did install new pins, bolts. Need to purchase new nuts for everything. Will also service CS pivot points. I can 
see shiny metal. For now sprayed it with Open Lube aerosol grease.

Next tire change, will get shock and forks serviced too.

Also need to get the press working to replace the needles. The pin with gouges is the lower link. It takes the most pressure.

Enough for one day.

It's June and weather is getting HOT. Time to start waking up early, get work done, then siesta until it cools down. Only problem is I don't 
like waking up early!


Re: CRS strikes again - Relay Arm Removal?

Unread post by SkooterG » 


Don't quote me on this but this bolts - with the nuts to the outside is the orientation you want to get them out easy. If orientated the other way the exhaust interferes with removing the bolt.

LOTS of info in this thread: ... st-1030352

See this post. Your bolts are in the good orientation. ... st-1038746

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