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2024-06-19 Cluster Fuck Ride - Barries Boyz


2024-06-19 Cluster Fuck Ride - Barries Boyz


Today was, uhh, interesting.

For a warm north county ride, lots of peeps showed up -

  1. Gary S
  2. Don S
  3. Don C
  4. David S
  5. Barrie C
  6. Ken F
  7. Barrie M

First things first. At 252,786 total miles, KrZy8 got new tires, fresh oil and filter, new diff fluid, lubed drive shaft and U-Joint. Michelin PR5's.

Also new Carver Tape on the tank!

Down the dirt road we go.

Past Cardiff Stud Ranch.

And old tractors and high dollar ranches.

The fun begins. "Where we going" asked? Barrie says I don't know, Steve, whatcha think? Steve says up the coast. Ken and several others like the idea.
I know Ken has been Jonseing for at least two rides for up the coast. Dave S doesn't like long rides anymore. It's gonna be hot inland. Barrie goes quiet.
Discussion ensues. 
Barrie announces he's going to Carmel. He didn't ride to Paso for a coast ride, he would have met up in Cambria.
Looks like Barrie is going solo to Carmel.
So we line up and off we go, to the coast.
Surprisingly, Barrie had change of heart. He's going coast route too, riding sweep.
Then, myself, Don S, David S and Barrie C, Ken F get cut off from main group, traffic lights.
No big deal, Peachy Canyon to Vineyard to 46 to Ragged Point, right?
Catch up with main group who pulled over on Peachy.
Take off again. Main group rockets away. Second group of old and slow looses pace.
GoodBye So Long.
Fuck it. I like to ride alone. Screw the world and this day. I'm bound and determined to have fun, damn it!
Phone call from Steve. We're at the San Simeon campground restrooms. North of Moonstone, east side. OkieDokie.
By now, Barrie C and Don C seredipitously found each other when Don C was at Jack Creek / 46 and Barrie C rode by. 
No idea where Dave S and Don S are.
Find the rest stop. What the hell. Everyone there but Dave S.
Take a pee. Whee.
WTFO? David S pulls off hiway 1 to get on his phone.
He doesn't see us!?
Ride up, he seem suprised but as they say, 
"The band is back together."



x xxxxxx


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