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2024-08-24 Parkfield KTM

Ride to Parkfield on the KTM 690 EnduroR


Santa Margarita. Someone can't spell M E A T !

George Sullivan aka "The Mayor of Santa Margarita"

Ken Friend had a birthday today!

George whipped out his harmonica, played Happy Birthday, and we serenaded Ken. Good thing he don't hear so good no mo'!

After playing HB song, George found out NO TIPS!

Beautiful Shovelhead at ParkField. Suicide clutch, open primary, the whole shootin' match!

On the way to SM to meet da Boyz.

I have knobbies, I can do dirt!

Greg Webster is working Wabs seat. He's a 6th generation Webster. Creston is named from Cressy Webster!

Wonder how old these are?

The old 41 route.

The 690 is fun to ride for short rides!

On the way to ParkField!

Shandon pee break!

New section of 41 now open. Bypasses James Dean memorial. Road had fresh and deeply cut rain grooves. Knobbie tires NOT happy. Was actually looking to ride in the dirt..

Fresh ASSfault on the SLO county side.

Identical Barrie's? Nope, that's Schwabbie in the rear view mirror.

Bellies full, time to go.

 My gal has dancing sideways Boobies!

New Creston jail built to resemble the old jail from back in the day..

Guess I won't call...

The End

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