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2024-04-21 CBX Fell Over

2024-04-20 CBX Takes a Nap

Been working away from home. Only there on Saturday, the day I transfer battery chargers.

Walk in and FuCk the CBX is on her side.

Got her back up.

I had a 1/2" piece of plywood to reduce the lean angle (the sidestand needs be bent straight).

Then the rear tire leaked, the angles changed, and over Miss CBX went.

Damage done. 

Sourced a NOS lid from Lous Mintrone, another bag from a guy on the ICOA board.

Decided to fit the NOS lid to my existing bag.

What we're working on..

Too bad for me, but the lids are different.. they have different sized hinge studs and linkage too.

Here's the NOS lid.. Note both link arms are identical.. This won't work to support the lid in the horizontal position.
I had to fit the ICOA purchased nuts onto the new lid studs.

The other side, is how it's supposed to be. Note the bigger acorn nuts on this side.

Soo, the RHS hings isn't right AND the lid doesn't close easily.. It puts too much force on the latches, have to be very careful.

It does look good though.

I purchased yet another set from some bloke in Canada, haven't opened the box yet.

This has been expensive..  I paid $450 for this lid, another +$300 for the other bag that's kind of roached, and another $400 for the two Canadian bags.


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