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2011-07-27 - Dirty ol Whore

SkooterG originally coined the phrase 'Dirty Ol' Whore' but I think krZy8 makes a run for the money to be called DOW2.. and poor Hal, he's been wrenching on KrZy8 aka dirty ol' whore for several months now... lots of dust and dirt everywhere! Here is the Before pix.

<clicky on pix for full size>


...and the AFTER pix

<clicky on pix for full size>

The tail section - in 6 years it's never been cleaned.. devil

Stripped naked...

Suspenders before:

Shockcleaned up and fresh back from GP Suspension.


Quote of the day from Hal -

"The rare earth magnet on the bottom of the kickstand is also good for collecting tools" 


"The dust is pervasive sp? It's everywhere. I dropped a wrench and poof of dust went up in the air"


Looks like I get krZy8 back next Sunday...



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