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2011-09-05 NERDS epilog

From a PM I sent FredW on the fjrforum..

"Just at 3 weeks, Fred. My first real vacation in 6 years..

Since I was in junior high school, I've always wanted to take an entire summer off, and just ride.

I even wrote my grandma a typed letter, most of which I can quote even now, about what I wanted to ride and see.

I hit the point of losing, or giving away, vacation time this year. So I took it. I was hoping to ride Alaska on Tim's DL650, Wabs, but logistics and work didn't pan out..

When I saw NERDS, I just felt I had to represent the new model of fjr events and, more importantly, try to find myself. On both fronts, successful.

I saw parts of our country I've not seen before - and Galena IL will always be etched in my mind to my dying day - the lightening storms of awesome magnitude, not seen by my eyes in 54 years of living, were simply awesome.

I love riding and wish I could ride 365/year, taking more back roads and less interstate. When I arrived home, Shauna asked, are you tired? Are you glad to be home? I answered question one truthfully, the second one in politically correct fashion.

Life is so short, and this trip has only whetted my travel appetite. I need to find a financial guru to see what can be done to allow me an extended period of time on the road, say 2 - 5 years, before I'm physically unable to do so.

I have a new number 1 bucket list item.

Thanks for listening Fred,


It's over. Work tomorrow. I'm grateful to be employed in these bad times.  But I'm not looking forward to returning. I think I need a new job, one that pays better. I must try harder to find something so that every month is not a burden. Truth. 

Tire life.. after 8050 miles.. not bad. PR2 Michelins. I love this tire.


Front worse than rear - a bit of cupping, but not bad. Not bad at all!

8,050 heavily laden and hard ridden miles. I'll take this over a car tire anyday. (rear tire again)

Lookin' good, Don!
I've gotten 10-11k out of the rear (many commute miles (Y'know...on and off throttle which is hard on the tires).  15k on the front, though they (2 tire changes) did look like yours for the last 5k.
Some say that the handling goes away, but I haven't noticed a huge deterioration with my riding style.  I'm always aware that the tires are in the last 1/3 of their life and ride problemo!

Maybe I AM a closet candy-butt rider!  wink

Geez Don.  Don't you EVER wash your tires?  BTW, best I've done on PR2 (B spec) is 9100 miles when cord started showing through. 

<p>Brain dead for now, can&#39;t think of anything witty enough to grace this space.</p>

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