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2021-08-02 Brake Refurbishment


RacerX Trailer Brake Refurb Notes

In cab Prodigy2 brake controller sometimes worked, normally would indicate NC (no connection).


  1. brake controller with new P2
  2. Rear 7 pin female connector 
  3. Rear 7 pin male connector - not fixed

Tore into brakes found this info..

Brake shoe size is 10 x 2.25 inches

Problem - no electromagnet. It had severed wires and was floating free inside the shoes.

Hammered end of electromagnet (EM).

Ain't gonna work like this!

Longitudinal heat stress cracks in shoes.

Emergerency brake switch FUBAR too, exposed wire.

Junction box. The switch was FUBA too. Direct to ground on both load and supply terminals. Grounded from LED ground wire, an internal switch failure.

Break-Away wiring diagram.

Documenting switch wiring.

Blue wires = EM, White wires = Grounds. The AGM battery and Truck source VDC are on middle Supply connector, , top blue female connector is LED ground, big Black connects to Blue of trailer harness going to EM.

This drum unserviceable, too grooved.

Drum part number.

Replaced all 4 backing plate assemblies, (back plate, shoes, spring, adjuster yadayada) and one drum.





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