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2022-01-09 Host Camper for Sale



For Sale - 1 owner 2006 Host Rainer. 9'6" with dual pop-outs.

No longer can use it, can't access the bed. Bought a toy hauler. Need space for it.

Very good to Excellent condition. $22,500. Don,  (805) 369-1317‪, leave message‬ (Google Voice), I'll call you back.

Video and Pictures here

The Goodies.... 

  1. Original owner
  2. Dual slides
  3. Onan 'Camp Power' propane generator 2.5kW
  4. Two Optima ‘blue top’ batteries
  5. 7 gallon, 5 gallon propane tanks
  6. Rear awning
  7. Slide outs have awning toppers
  8. 600 watt true sine wave inverter powers TV, sat dish, etc
  9. Programable delay relay shuts inverter off after xx minutes (no dead batteries!)
  10. DVD player
  11. VHS player
  12. Stereo w CD player (needs be replaced) Radio still works.
  13. HD TV, mounted on swivel
  14. Water heater anode replaced
  15. Convection microwave with grilling
  16. 3 burner stove top
  17. Full oven
  18. Spice rack
  19. HotShot camper clampers
  20. 4X8 foot floor plan
  21. No leaks, holds water pressure
  22. Water tight, roof in excellent condition
  23. Large holding tanks
  24. Outside shower
  25. Heated tanks for winter camping
  26. All appliance manuals included
  27. Clean title
  28. 3/4 ton truck OK, 1 ton better
  29. Wooden camper stand included
  30. Wired and Wireless remotes for raising, lowering camper


The Not-So-Good (Things to upgrade)

  1. Outside speakers
  2. Stereo player


x xxxxxx




  Suggested Low Average
List Price Retail Retail
Base Price $36,280  $18,850  $22,700 
Options (Change)      
11,000 BTU $135  $165   
3-Way Refrigerator $75  $95   
Microwave/Convection Combo $40  $50   
Water Heater 6 Gallon Gas/Elec. $40  $50   
17"-20" Flat Screen $40  $45   
2 - 3 KW Gas $335  $405   
Electric Jacks $170  $205   
Fiberglass Walls $135  $160   
Heated Holding Tanks $20  $25   
Luggage Rack and Ladder $35  $45   
Outside Shower $35  $40   
Power Roof Vent $40  $50   
7'-10' Manual Awning $85  $105   
Total Price $36,280  $20,035  $24,140 
See available inventory and pricing from local Certified Dealers      


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