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2024-08-28 Pine Mtn Wabs Shift Lever


Fun ride to Pine Mountain on the newly refurbished 2007 DL650A, Wabs.

301 miles.

She's ready to ride. New tires, oil, pivot points cleaned and lubed, CS sprocket, yada yada yada.

PizzToe Beach

Small group today. Dave S, Barrie C, Steve S and me.,

101 S to 166 East

Twitchell resevoir

Pretty dry now

10 minute delay permitted a visor cleaning.

AFU. We're behind pilot truck when big rig with fresh asphalt and oil truck approach head on. We had to stop again.

We always bitch about how bad the road is and then when the fix it!

New Cuyama at Richard's Park for pee break. Getting warm already.

Then, no shift lever! Fortuately, this set up has linkage, so even though the shifter slid off the post, it didn't go bouncing down the hiway.


All fixed!

All fixed!

All Fixed!

Sometimes just gotta have faith!

Road closed don't mean crap to Barrie's Boyz!

Near Frazier Park.

Santa Claus Schwabbie with his selfie stick!

Mosquito warning, so indoor eating! Hot until they turned the wall-mounted AC unit on.

x  Hudson Ranch Rd headed N to 166.

x Old underground AT&T bunker.. desinged to withstand nuclear blasts. Friend George S owns it now..

Entering beautiful Taft. Beauty is where you see it. Or smell it. For some reason, today, Taft smelt like open sewage..

Finally, 58 West, headed fo home. A tad warm, running 101 to 102F.

Our token Norwegian or Scandinavian or whatever he identifies as was wilting in the hot sun, and I noticed his red flushed face when we gassed at Taft. Dave kept falling farther and farther behind
so I com'd Steve to let him know I was going to slow dow and make sure Dave was OK. Sure enough, in a bit, Dave came rolling on through, riding his own ride. Smart.

Small dust devil.

One of two huge solar farms consuming maximum acerage and disrupting wild life.

Final stop of the day, then time to head home,

Close up pics of the Bush Fix.

The End

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