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2024-09-02 Harley Carb Rebuild


2024-09-02 Harley Carb Rebuild


Miss Ultra had some issues.

When removed the carb diaphram cover, the spring and needle keeper went BOING and started the journey back to Milwaukee.

Found the spring. Needle keeper G O N E..

Wonder if spare parts are to be had?

Google search shows all big twin HD's ran Keihn 40 mm CV carbs from 1990 to 2006. Parts are available.

Pics fo the keeper and part number, 27586-88


After the ultrasonic bath, ended up with a strange new part..
little aluminum looking 'guide' that the needle goes into.

Searched iNet, found it goes here. One side is longer than the other.
What keeps it captive? What keeps it from being sucked into the cylinder?

Especially given that the needle can lift fully out?

Michael at Salty Cycle was most helpful. He's a wrench, but Nathan was out... so Michael was covering parts. 

He said the piece inserts from the bottom up, goes in before the main jet assembly. Ah Hah!

He also had a used needle keeper from an old carb. Should work!



More pics and info....

Removed the Vacuum Controlled Electronic switch which had been abandoned in place years ago.

Bowl is pretty clean!

MollyB supervises..

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