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2018-12-10 KrZy8 1st ride post heavy maintenance


2018-12-10 KrZy8 1st ride post heavy maintenance

Today's ride was epic. First test ride after heavy maintenance. Decided to stay local just in case issue reared their ugly head. Creston to Morro Bay to Cambria to Paso Robles then back to Creston. Almost all back road riding.

KrZy8 ran G R E A T ! Smooth on pickup off idle, more snap than I can recall smiley. Helping of course is fresh suspension, new brakes, plugs, air filter, yada yada yada. Even all the electrics worked after cleaning and lubing every connector.

Handling seemed a bit weird after all the hours riding Wabs, a DL650 with knobbie tires but soon I was back in a familar zone and loving it!

Here's the ride report..

2018-12-10 KrZy8 1st Ride Post Heavy Maint from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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