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2019-05-03 Headlights Bulbs Replaced


2019-05-03 Naomi Headlight Bulbs Replaced

While doing a valve adjust noticed the RHS headlight was out. With cowlings off now is a good time to replace.

Some notes.

  1. The LHS is much easier than RHS
  2. RHS is PITA. Battery, bracket, and wiring loom all in the way. Especially hard to re-install the rubber boot.

This stupid bracket holds a 50 amp main fuse and 'goes nowhere', terminated connector. It's right in the way. Almost just cut it off. Probably will next bulb replacement. The wires can be secured via ty-wraps.

This big black box, no idea what it is, and its wiring loom all in the way.

The 'goes-nowhere' connector.

Next time, bracket.. You're toast!



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