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2019-07-24 Valve Cover Oil Leak


Recently performed valve adjust on KrZy8.

Ran great for awhile but then a significant stumble off idle, hard starting, mpg decrease from ~40 to ~30.

Time for a compression test.

Pulled plugs 1,2,3. Spark Plug tool wouldn't reach all the way down to plug 4. Getting snagged on something? WTFO?

First thought somehow, SOMEHOW, I screwed getting the cover aligned properly. But HOW could that possible happen?

Running a finger on the inside... oh crap. Valve cover gasket poochage going on. But it hasn't been leaking. So break out the long skinny fishing knife my Pops gave and trim the gasket. All good now! Plug comes out, compression test sat!

Time to button her up and go for a ride!

Here's the corroded connector...

....and the pooched valve cover gasket.

Results of compression test. Butterflies wide open, fresh battery on charger.

Hal Risser was here!

Results of today's ride. Broke away from the pack, tail between rear legs, limped home. Even bought a quart of Chevron oil (6 bucks!) JIC.

Shouldn't complain, KrZy8 got me home. Right boot  and sock covered in oil, summer vented boots.

New gaskets and o-rings ordered to replace inventory.

Just hate having pull that cover off again. PITA.

Unlike BMW K6 though, 25 bucks vs. 100 bucks for the gasket!




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