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2021-01-15 Kz Hot Test Ride - Stress Test Cooling System


2021-01-15 Kz1300 Cooling Stress Test

Been chasing an overheating problem on the KZ..

It's January, and all rides to date have been in high 50 to low 60F ambient conditions.
Weather forecast is low 80's in the south county of San Luis Obispo. 
Let's go there then slog around on city streets to see what happens?

Fully prepared with AAA, health insurance, and credit cards!

I will say that after all the work, she starts instantly and sounds good at idle.

In Atascadero CA to send incorrect delivered parts back to PartZilla.

Another view.

Something werid with charging system now. This 12.1 will pop up instantly sometimes, other times slooowly creeps back to 14.9. BTW, the voltmeter is 0.5 low.
More importantly, the temp gauge is at high end of normal zone, but over, and I'm slogging along in first gear going through town.. A good sign!

The hottest it got. I'll take that for now.
Unfortunately, had to cut the ride short as apparently my charging system is directly inversely propotional to ambient temps AND the fuel tank isn't venting
adequately.. the bike started running real rough and smell of gasoline. Opened tank cap and Whooosh... so pressure is overriding float/needle and flooding the engine.




  1. Charging system needs work, VDC drops below acceptable levels when hot and is intermitte
  2. Cooling seems to be OK enough given I'll not be riding on hot days in heavy traffic anymore
  3. Tank is building pressure when hot
  4. Ran two tanks of heavy dosed Yamaha Ring Free



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