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2024-07-15 KZ1300 Bobs Beauty Goodies



Along with the bike came a gaggle of cool stuff..

Tank emblem, new cluster housing, complete.

NOS, owned by Bob for decades.

KZ1300 watch. It works!

Backside, hard to read mfr info..

A little bit better pic.

Coffee mug!

Pristine examples of various moto mag road tests.

Never read this one.. Saving it for a rainy day!

Cycle is why I bought my first kz in 79.

Pristine manual. Don't think it has even one smudge..

Would you believe blue print copy of the carbs? In Japanese hand writing?

It's complete too. Only scanned a few of the ~40 to 50 sheets.

I wonder if this might be the only set in existence, at least in USA?

Too big for my scanner, so will have them profesionally done.

The complete set. In plastic wrapper of course!

Many Thanks to BobB for so carefully preserving these treasures!



2024-07-18 Box Number 2

Box 2 was even better than box 1.

Complete model.

I bet the glue is funky..

If you ever need info on reassembling your kz1300, I'll send a copy of this manual. cool

KZ1300 engine model.

Brand new fairiing.

Surface scratches only, presumably from the trip home.

Fiberglass molds Bob made for fairing lowers.

Anything Bob thought he might need, he bought new. Box on left is OEM petcock, looks new. A couple of other petcocks are vaccum-on petcocks.

S&W gauges for air forks and shocks.

OEM fuel solenoid valve, IIRC

Forward pegs and bracketry.

All in this box...

Ignition coils from a Zed-100 have removable wire at coil end. These might go on my BlueKZ.

Left over air shock hose. Trash.

Looked like a tank bag. 

Remember when glasses looked like this?

Going to call Bob see if he wants these frames back.

Bob replaced the silly 85 mph speedo with a 'real' one. Check out the beautiful color on straight needle!

Not sure what this is off of?

Soft, rubbery like.. for fairing somehow I think.

Drive boot.

Looks like drive shaft gasket?

New carb mounts. Still flexible!

Water pp seal OEM.

Master cylinder kit?

Two of these metal brackets.

Fairing mirrors.

New grips.

Fairing hardware.

Oil Seal. For what I have no idea.

Found it - fairing lower brackets.

Fuel tank cover - think insulation for tank bottom from engine heat.

Grab rail. Not from a 79 A1. Not sure what it goes to.

Ditto from above.

Flywheeel puller.

Spare Krauser latches.

Fairing hardware.

Throttle cable.

Another one. Different part numbers!

Clutch cable.

Deep sump oil pan.

Fork seals.

Gotta look up the part number.

RHS cowling cover. For B2 model, 1980.

Clutch gasket.

6x20 pan head screws.


Old skool raingear! I feel sweaty already!



2024-07-29 Even More Goodies

Brand new battery. It failed to charge.

Fairing pieces including headlight rubber shrouds.

Fairing hardware.

What't this?

Headlight glass for fairing.

Try to find this part anywhere!

In the wrapper for 40 years!

I'd have to look at parts diagram before installing...

In this box...

Never used ciggie lighter.

I'll have to start smoking, I guess...

Spare carb.

Slides move smoothly. Wait, is that a word?

Bob said it was a swap meet special.

She's beautiful!

Krauser racks. Same as on my 79A1.

Connecting racks.

82 GPZ 550 gas cap. Looks identical to KZ1300?

Cleaned it up, I bet it work.

Fuel Tap Gasket

Spare carb rack. Not the ding by red arrow.

Lots of good hardware, and drainable float bowls via screw not a bolt.

When caught up on projects, will have the dinged carb repaired.

Burned up stator. Note replacement cost, a whopping $109.

Two OEM water pump seals and new cam chain tensioner.

Well, crap. Retaining bolt was loose, it expanded out. Not sure how to retract it.
Probably won't use this anyway, OEM part was known to fail.

Carb SS bolt kit.

Mirror stem adapter?

Bob's notes.

NOS tank badges and emblems. For $33!

Hand drawn schematic to wire up spare sub alternator. I now have two complete sub alternators!

Case is much nicer than on my 79A1.

Even came with brackets and RR.

Flywheel glue and magnets in GREATG shape!

Complete with sprague clutch and damper. Shimming washers too!

What a find!

The 'Touring Tank'. Didn't know Kawasaki offered one.

Don't think this is factory paint. Has some orange peel and one visible paint run.
No dents or scratches.

You can see the paint run under the badge bracket.

Front view.

Clean inside.

Wonder how many gallons it holds?

Bottom side appears to have been patched.

By the petcock. Almost looks like fiberglass?

Patch closeup pic.

Wonder what the warranty was for? 200 dollar declared value. Hah!

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