2024-02-23 Fixing WiredGeorge's Mistakes
A summary of WiredGeorge carb work on two carb sets
- 2022-11-17 Kz1300 New to Me Carb (WiredGeorge)
- 2024-02-14 Carb Linkage Adjustment (WiredGeorge)
- 2024-03-05 Kz1300 WiredGeorge Carb - Fuel Flow Blocked
- 2023-03-05 Kz1300 Fuel Height Check - WiredGeorge
- 2024-03-20 Kz Carb Sync (WiredGeorge) Attempt and No Leaks
- 2024-03-21 WiredGeorge Carb Problems (more)
Ok then, last post noted a WiredGeorge pilot screw that was jammed, would not move. Of course it's the hardest one to get to. ![]( Fixing WiredGeorge's FuckUps)
Yep. I flared it out, even with custom made tool. It was stuck, and stuck hard.
![]( Fixing WiredGeorge's FuckUps/2.jpg)
On the bench, with linkage removed, and bigger screwdriver with direct access, found this. A HELICOIL? Pretty sure Ray didn't install it. Will ask WG.
To the repair.
To the repair. When I actually tapped it, turned carb upside down so metal debri would not clog ports.
![]( Fixing WiredGeorge's FuckUps/4.jpg)
While cleaning up the pilot jet threads, noticed the tip has been bent. WTFO?
![]( Fixing WiredGeorge's FuckUps/5.jpg)
Straightened the best I could. Will buy a new kit and replace later.
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After thread repair, attempted to intall jet on right.. but the threads aren't happy. The brass has conformed to the helicoil. But it's adjustable now.
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Popped tops off to look at diaphrams. Not sure they should be wrinkled like this. Normal or not? Will ask some experts...
![]( Fixing WiredGeorge's FuckUps/8.jpg)
..and found bend ball ends. Attempted to straighten, but no real joy. How did this happen?
Are these units the same ones I shipped or have they been swapped out?
![]( Fixing WiredGeorge's FuckUps/9.jpg)
Reassembled and bench sync'd.
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Custom tool can now adjust pilot jet.
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See the 'spare' washer? It was floating loose in the mechanism. It's from the choke enrichener top hat... Sigh.![]( Fixing WiredGeorge's FuckUps/12.jpg)
What else will I find?
At this point in time I can not and will not recommend Wired George carb service.![]( Fixing WiredGeorge's FuckUps/13.jpg)
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More Carb Stuff
Here we go again...