2024-02-23 Fixing WiredGeorge's Mistakes
A summary of WiredGeorge carb work on two carb sets
- 2022-11-17 Kz1300 New to Me Carb (WiredGeorge)
- 2024-02-14 Carb Linkage Adjustment (WiredGeorge)
- 2024-03-05 Kz1300 WiredGeorge Carb - Fuel Flow Blocked
- 2023-03-05 Kz1300 Fuel Height Check - WiredGeorge
- 2024-03-20 Kz Carb Sync (WiredGeorge) Attempt and No Leaks
- 2024-03-21 WiredGeorge Carb Problems (more)
Ok then, last post noted a WiredGeorge pilot screw that was jammed, would not move. Of course it's the hardest one to get to. 
Yep. I flared it out, even with custom made tool. It was stuck, and stuck hard.

On the bench, with linkage removed, and bigger screwdriver with direct access, found this. A HELICOIL? Pretty sure Ray didn't install it. Will ask WG.
To the repair.
To the repair. When I actually tapped it, turned carb upside down so metal debri would not clog ports.

While cleaning up the pilot jet threads, noticed the tip has been bent. WTFO?

Straightened the best I could. Will buy a new kit and replace later.

After thread repair, attempted to intall jet on right.. but the threads aren't happy. The brass has conformed to the helicoil. But it's adjustable now.

Popped tops off to look at diaphrams. Not sure they should be wrinkled like this. Normal or not? Will ask some experts...

..and found bend ball ends. Attempted to straighten, but no real joy. How did this happen?
Are these units the same ones I shipped or have they been swapped out?

Reassembled and bench sync'd.

Custom tool can now adjust pilot jet.

See the 'spare' washer? It was floating loose in the mechanism. It's from the choke enrichener top hat... Sigh.
What else will I find?
At this point in time I can not and will not recommend Wired George carb service.

More Carb Stuff
Here we go again...